What To Expect At The Dentist

A visit to the dentist doesn’t have to be something to dread. Dentists and hygienists want to help, and they’ll usually try to make your office visit as easy as possible. You can often watch movies or TV. They may break up work into many visits so it’s not too much in one sitting. And […]
The Importance of Gum Health

With proper care, your teeth and gums can stay healthy throughout your life. The healthier your teeth and gums are, the less risk you have for tooth decay and gum disease. How Should I Care for My Teeth and Gums? There are four basic steps to caring for teeth and gums: Tips for Brushing Your Teeth and Gums Brush […]
Managing Dental Anxiety

Drills, needles, and pain, oh my! Coping with dental anxiety. For many people, going to the dentist is an unpleasant but manageable experience. For others, just the thought of going to the dentist causes severe anxiety, leading them to delay or avoid dental treatment. Unfortunately, this behavior can spiral into a vicious cycle of dental […]